GridMarkets SideFX Houdini Render Farm
Mantra | Karma C/XPU | Solaris | Redshift | Arnold | V-Ray | RenderMan
GridMarkets partnered with SideFX to design the definitive professional Houdini rendering and simulation cloud service. Eliminating computing bottlenecks increases customer's flexibility and project capacity. As a result, studios, freelancers and artists have simple, secure access to a legion of CPU and GPU machines with specs that enable even the most ambitious of projects. Unleash your potential and push all of the envelopes with confidence that it will be done on-time and on-budget.
Our Side FX Houdini key features include support for:
CPU/GPU-based nodes
Dependency chaining in ROPs
Multiple 1st & 3rd party plugins: SideFX Labs/Axiom Solver/MOPs
Python 2.x & 3.x supported
OS agnostic absolute and relative pathing​​
Native USD/Solaris support for Karma C/XPU, Redshift, Arnold & RenderMan
Cloud-based Simulation caching for DOPs and Vellum

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